21 July, 2005

Why I've started this blog

I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to making software: I like to be satisfied that I've done things as well as I could. This is not to say that I make perfect software (if only), more that I spend a considerable proportion of my time trying to get things right, as opposed to getting things merely working. I do like to think that my approach pays off in the long run...

When I'm developing software I'm usually in one of two 'modes':

  • Work-mode - getting things working, getting things done. All fine until I discover a niggling little issue that either obstructs progress altogether, or just gives me the feeling that something isn't quite right and that there must be a better way. That's when I step into research-mode...
  • Research-mode - scouring the web for information relating to my problem. Quite often there isn't much, or what there is is incomplete, offering conflicting information, or too complicated for my head :s

Anyway, at the end of one of my little voyages of research-mode discovery I tend to feel a little guilty for not sharing my findings with the rest of the world. After all, if someone else had posted a clear solution to the problem, I wouldn't have a sore head from 10 hours of reading incoherent and conflicting forum posts.

So this blog is my answer to these feelings of guilt. If I get around to it, I'll post some info from time to time. It'll probably be obvious stuff to most people that stumble across it, but hopefully it'll be useful to someone. If not then at least Google might find it for me when I'm searching for the same problem again in a few months...


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